There is still one problem that needs to be solved if Huo Junzhong, an alchemist, suddenly has all the materials

These materials will produce a great smell when alchemy is carried out. Huo Junzhong can’t be tempered in his own home and outside. It is not easy to rent a place with great silence and convenience. Zhu Nian can be there the day after tomorrow. The aura is too heavy. Huo Junzhong needs to move […]

When Mu Yun knew that he had practiced the chaotic evil dragon demon spirit, he was pleasantly surprised, but then he heard that he was almost robbed of his consciousness, but he was dying.

In this way, from the day of disappearance, Bells talked about Pangu Gold’s blood two hours ago, but Bells kept silent and didn’t say that her blood helped Mu Yun to detoxify. And the Buddhist fight against bells is also a stroke. On impulse, Mu Yun took bells to seek revenge from Buddhist, which would […]